Tulip Love

Tulip Love

Eva Ariela Lindberg Tulip Love authorTulip Love Front Cover Detail

Eva Ariela Lindberg is the Tulip Love author, she was born in Sweden, in 1960. In 1986, she graduated from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem, with a BA in Architecture.  Extra-curricular studies included the University of Architecture in Venice, Italy and the Boston Architectural Center in Massachusetts. In 1987, she moved to Berkeley, California, where she worked in design and studied at Academy of Art College and Energy Art School in Berkeley, where she synthesized past art modalities into one concept—the “5th Dimensional Artwork”.

Her work is exhibited in USA, Europe and Israel. On a parallel educational path, Eva studied Psychology and Drama Therapy at CIIS, San Francisco, and in 1997 completed her MA in Humanities and Leadership at UCS in the Bay Area, USA. In 1998, the first Tulip Healing events began. In addition to her individual/community healing work and teaching, Eva is also a Feng Shui consultant, and an avid Peace Worker.

Author’s Note

Eva in Tulip Love Center Jerusalem

Tulip Love proposes a marriage between Tulips and Divine Love . . . through us!

This is a standing invitation for You to “smell” the meaning of the Tulip Flower, inhale its wisdom and soar with its magic spell . . .

It celebrates the union between Flowers and Humans with parallels drawn between the two, desiring to see the delicate meaning of Life as we arrive at Higher Spiritual levels . .

To observe the Heart-Shaped Tulip Flower in its delicate nature; to utter words of
TULIPS with Your TWO LIPS; to embrace the meaning of this “External and Internal Flower” to understand the Tulip-Wear, its Botany, Folklore, History and its uncanny charm.

You have it in You—to blossom so delicately, yet so resiliently, inside our modern world of challenging reality, therefore this is a humble attempt to entice You—into You!

Discover Your own luscious, delightful being . . . steam with flowery beauty and drop the masks that might make Your face tight, small or fearful!

Here You Are Invited To Be Yourself; feel like a Loved Child while being honored as a King or a Queen in the midst of a Glorious Tulip Kingdom!

Eva Ariela Lindberg
Tulip Queen (her Regal Self)
Evita the Tulipita (her Inner Child)
                     read more. . .

Contact Eva Ariela Lindberg


Do you want to love more deeply?  Feeling touch-deprived and stressed out?
Do you yearn to connect with your hidden power and open up to blossoming?